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What Do You Choose to leave for future generations?

September 21, 2024

A few years ago, I declared in a digital magazine dedicated to women that whenever I travel to a new place, I always seek to discover at least one bookstore. This time, my curiosity about books was rewarded with a wonderful library in the American town of New Canaan (since last year, I'm partially living in Connecticut).

One day, while visiting the library in New Canaan again, I came across the book "The Good Life And How To Live It. Lessons from the World’s Longest Study on Happiness," written by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, published in January 2023 by Simon & Schuster. The book is a must-read for lovers of the genre, but today I will focus on a concept discovered within its pages: generativity.

The concept of generativity refers to the psychological and social process by which individuals contribute to the well-being and success of future generations. The term was initially proposed by the psychologist Erik Erikson, who described generativity as one of the key stages of adult development, manifesting mainly between the ages of 35 and 65.

Generativity manifest after we have understood our personal and professional identity or, more simply, when you know how to answer the question: Who am I?

How generativity can manifest:

- Education, offering support and guidance to younger people in the family or community;
- Mentorship and teaching: sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences with others, especially younger people, to help them grow and develop;
- Social activism and community involvement: engaging in activities that promote social justice, support causes, and address social issues to create a better future;
- Creative expression: contributions in the fields of art, science, business, or other areas through innovative ideas, creations, or inventions that benefit society;
- Environmental stewardship: taking actions to protect and conserve the natural environment, promoting sustainability, and ensuring a livable planet for future generations.

Generativity is closely linked to the concept of “legacy,” which involves the idea of leaving behind something meaningful that will last longer than one's own life. In other words, the impact a person has on their family, community, profession, or society as a whole.

Generativity can be expressed in the values and principles we instill in others or in the positive impact we have on the lives of those around us.

Generativity is also closely tied to the concept of interconnectedness. This recognizes that our actions propagate through time and space, influencing the lives of individuals and communities beyond our immediate reach. It acknowledges the interdependence between generations, being an indicator that we are the beneficiaries of the efforts and sacrifices of those who came before us. In turn, we have the responsibility to pass on, to create a world that is better than the one we inherited.

If you’re wondering how you can cultivate generativity in your life:

- Start with a change of perspective;
- Understand the value of your actions, no matter how small they may seem, and recognize their potential to create a positive impact around you;
- Make choices with greater attention to the well-being of future generations, whether through sustainable practices, mentoring, or supporting social causes;
- Demonstrate empathy and understanding, recognizing the unique contributions and needs of each generation.

If I’ve made you wonder about this special concept, I’m glad! Mission accomplished!

Of course, I cannot end this blog post without inviting you to reflect on the following questions:

- Looking at the first half of 2024, how do you consider you have contributed to the joyfulness of one of your dear ones?
- By the end of this year, how do you intend to contribute to the well-being of others?
- When you think about the people you know (including writers, entrepreneurs, etc.), what name comes to mind as representative of the concept of generativity? What could you learn from this person?

Oh, and one last thing: whenever you go through a book or article, note at least one topic that has captured and fed your curiosity.

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