In February 2023, Matthew shared a bit about who he is for the Romanian website As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, I want Matthew Cross's genius to be known by more and more people, so I'm offering you the translation of that interview. I believe you'll find at least one inspirational point that can guide you this fall.
Who is Matthew?
A researcher of life, always curious, fascinated by life, love, nature, beauty, and wisdom. A proud American citizen, a patriot of the world, and a passionate advocate of the foundational American principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit and joy anchored in the present, that is, happiness. A champion of the unique genius within all people.
What is it like to be born American?
To be endowed with the ability to dream big and with the feeling that you can make your life reflect your ideals. To carry and honor a certain responsibility, to protect and share the essential freedoms and dignity necessary for human flourishing. To question and challenge the status quo, to innovate, to strive for the impossible and to create the runway for the impossible to land in your life.

You began researching the life applications of the Golden Ratio at the age of 13, which evolved into your pioneering work in biomimicry medicine and its integration into training systems for sports, business, and life performance. What attracted you to this field?
I am intrigued by learning, applying, and teaching Universal Principles that have a direct impact on the quality, health, and success in life. From the first time I learned about the Golden Ratio/Phi at 13, it sparked a sense of wonder and adventure, like an Indiana Jones-style journey! As I came to find out, geniuses throughout history have also found it fascinating and challenging across all fields and disciplines. Recognizing it as the key code that guides the design and structure of all matter and the movement of all energy in the Universe made it a lifelong study, which has led to the publication of 5 books so far. The next one is about the power of the Golden Ratio in sports and life performance, titled Peak Performance on Demand in Sports, Fitness & Life. World-class athletes, amateurs, and performers—including myself—have enjoyed extraordinary results thanks to this system that easily predicts excellence.
When did you firstly come to Romania?
In August 2008. I liked to travel and visited many countries in Europe, but never as far east as Romania. I came to visit for the first time with three very good Romanian friends who had moved to America when they were young, from Timișoara and Brașov. The trip was full of wonderful discoveries, and I knew I would come back.
Did you know you would return? What made you stay in Romania?
I am an AmeROcan in the sense that I live part of the time in America and part of the time in my second homeland, Romania.
The main magnets that attract me and make me return are people, culture, food, nature, history, the unique genius of the Romanian perspective, and its dormant promise.
You still slide between Romania and America. Where is home for you?
I am a Multi-HOMEo-Sapien: Home is wherever I am currently. For me, home is both a state of mind and heart, as well as a place. That said, I lean toward my original native territory, America, particularly the New England region and cities where I have lived, such as Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Santa Fe.
You founded Leadership Alliance, an international consulting firm offering innovative strategies for growth, genius, and transformation. What does this mean?
I know that within each of us lies a great genius and potential. I lead a firm dedicated to promoting, teaching, and preparing the proven principles and practices that help this genius come to life. One outcome is achieving significant success for individuals, teams, and organizations. The Alliance specializes in providing engaging learning processes and strategic action experiences that stimulate creativity and focus innovation. We have been honored that our work has attracted a diverse suite of Fortune 500 companies and top educational institutions, such as Stanford University.

Explorer of ancient history?
From a young age, I discovered that our history is far more intriguing, vast, and mysterious than we were taught. This led to a serious study of the enigmas of ancient sites, structures, and histories and a broader question about who we are, where we come from, and why we are here. The evidence regarding advanced ancient civilizations and a canon of universal integrated wisdom is immense, challenging, and inspiring. In this parallel life mission, I have been blessed to have extraordinary mentors and peers, such as Graham Hancock, John Michell, Charles Berlitz, and other gifted geniuses in the field.
You play sports! Does sports define us in any way? If so, how?
I am a competitive athlete and enjoy the excellent feeling that fitness provides. I like to keep my body at peak levels and excel in road running races. A key symptom of excellent health is energy, and sports are a great way to honor and reflect that energy onto myself and others. From a young age, I have loved sports and many athletic activities, such as tennis, running, cycling, swimming, ping-pong, yoga, and climbing. So I believe that a lifelong fitness and nutrition regimen is a wonderful way to honor this gift of the body, mind, and life.
What can you teach us in a few minutes/sentences?
As Robert Frost said, “I am not a teacher, but a wake-up call.”
Start regularly practicing your gift, perhaps the most hidden and unused, to create the life you dream of: Imagination.
Ask bigger questions and look within in silent meditation, with your eyes closed, for inspiration and answers.
As inspired by Steve Jobs’s lifetime work and our brief meeting: “Think different, dream bigger, and love deeper.”
Spend more time enjoying the greatest teacher, doctor, and inspiration: nature. Dream… in Aligned Action.
Give yourself a great gift to yourself and others: Your full Presence in the Present.
Honor the life within you and wherever you see it.
Stay curious about everything.
You are one of the few international speakers connected to the leadership reality in Romania, with a profound knowledge of Romanian culture. This has impressed the audience at the masterclasses. What attracts you to our culture?
The beauty and wisdom of the Romanian people. Your deep and fascinating history—just a century ago, Romania was a top country—combined with the great and dormant potential I see today. The numerous innovators and geniuses who have influenced Romanian culture and impacted the world. The deep connection with the land still preserved in the many families I’ve come to know throughout the country. The enigmatic brilliance of the Romanian mind displayed in the world’s leading computer programming.
You are a proponent of the concept of lifelong learning that applies the golden rule of continuous learning: Teach others what you have learned! What do we gain from this?
I am the product of a unique educational context. I have benefited from great freedom and support in life to choose my fields of study, without constraint, tests, or grades. This has led me to appreciate and advocate for true freedom in the educational process. Optimal learning is not competitive. Healthy learning is multi-spectrum and includes emotional, systemic, integrative, and multisensory intelligences—not just data. Everyone is a genius in their unique way. We must honor and nurture this genius with freedom, love, and an enriched environment for it to develop its unique potential. Only when learning is fully honored can we realize the promise of the learning pioneer’s definition, Peter Senge: learning is the enhancement of the ability to act effectively.